Monday, September 26, 2011

Review Operation Flashpoint Red River

This time the game is berseting fiction in 2013, we will play Sergeant Kirby, chairman of Fireteam Bravo team consisting of 3 persons namely, Balleto, Taylor, and Soto. sent by the U.S. government of Tajikistan to crush the rebels. The story of this game were served with a cool animation

This game offers a solo campaign that also can support up to four players cooperative game mode. For solo campaignnya we can choose one of the main army of the four classes that will greatly determine how we fight in the battlefields, among them Grenadier, Scout, Rifleman, Automatic Rifleman and. Each character class has their expertise, then it's a team of highly influential cooperation in completing the mission in this game, for example Scout armed with long-range weapons or sniper rifle and Grenadier have heavy weapons like rocket launcher that can destroy a tank. then the Automatic Rifleman with assault rifles stormed the enemy to retreat to and no berkutit, then Rifleman is the most stable class of soldiers and is the spearhead in this team armed with weapons M16A4 Rifle.

In this sequel, we get a more in-depth experience of playing with the system level up characters. Where we will get a number of points assessed Core Skills of our team's performance in completing the mission, which includes assessment ranking is obtained, the objective is successfully completed, and the time needed to complete the mission. Core Skill Points accumulated can be used to raise the level on our character and the three team members to be open access to the types of weapons more powerful weapons and a few accessories. In addition, we also can give points to improve character, as can run faster while carrying a lot of weapons or a more precise shooting accuracy. With this feature, make us feel the increase in character and a member of our team throughout the game, like playing online FPS games only. And this new feature also makes this military simulation game to be monotonous and boring is not easy.

As team leader, we can give orders to team members to implement the tactics and strategies in completing various missions, such as telling them shooting at the enemy who keeps hiding, as we move from the side to get the proper range. Or we can also tell them to wipe out the enemy who was hiding in a room. Navigation giving orders on the sequel is called the Quick Command Radial with a cool design and easy to use when compared with the previous sequel. Apart from giving orders to team members, we also may request assistance from air strikes and artillery to help us break through enemy defenses. There are many types of air and artillery attacks contained in this game and each has advantages on the power breakdown, such as howitzers Barrage very effective in destroying enemy tanks and buildings.

Military army simulation game is different from most other FPS games can make us like Rambo by firing a few enemies in front of us at once and a barrage of enemy fire which we only reduce the half-blood bar. In this game, one or two bullets are on we can make an instant gameover. Sometimes also the bullet will hit a bullet proof vest and only hurt us. It can be cured by using Medkit. But we must find shelter before terlebihi Medkit use in dressing wounds, because unlike other FPS games that can be instantly recovered. The process of dressing a wound will take time and if done in the open air, we can become an easy target for enemy bullets. When injured, we can also feel the effects, such as the character becomes increasingly slow movement, the level of accuracy is also decreased, and the game screen becomes increasingly blurred. Even if not treated promptly will cause death. In addition, the level of enemy AI does look good. They look guerrilla warfare tactics that we are quite troublesome. Unfortunately, several times found the enemy AI in a state stuk or filmed in a position that is not protected making it easier for us to shoot them. This is not a big problem for this game.

Like the previous sequel, most of our time in this game will be spent exploring the vast game area on foot, from village to cross the mountains. Actually, this game also features several war vehicles, such as the Humvee, APC, Tanks, and Helicopters. But unfortunately, only a Humvee vehicle we can ride it. One more thing, Checkpoint gaming systems are too far away, makes us rush to repeat the game when we've walked away. This has been felt since the sequel to Dragon Rising. Hopefully in the next sequel attention to this problem.

Completion of the EGO engine game to version 2.0 presents a graphical display are nice and more realistic than the sequel to Dragon Rising. Game environment and other objects looked like the size of the real world. Animated explosion and dust particles looks amazing and its effects felt when the explosion near us make the game screen shakes. As if feeling was at the scene. Then the game audio is also very supportive of the full game, the sound of shots coming out of each weapon are all different sounds and voice acting of the character of the game as well terekpresikan well.      

Review Resident Evil : Raccoon City Operation

The story of this game setting the incident took Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 with locations in Raccoon City, where the townspeople have turned into zombies due to the outbreak of a biological weapon (virus-T) developed by the company illegally Umbrella. In this game we played one of the main forces of the members of the Umbrella Security Service (USS) with a mission to destroy all evidence of the illegal activities of their company. While the U.S. government deployed special forces (Special Ops) with the aim of preventing illegal activities and take evidence Umbrella company that has caused great turmoil in Raccoon City. And as the USS troops, we will also hunt down leaders of characters in Resident Evil 2, Leon S. Kennedy, who is a member of the Raccoon Police Department (RPD) who are involved with this incident. Decisions we make along the game will determine the storyline of this game.

Please note, the game developed by Slank Six, the developers of SOCOM games with Team Based Shooter type of game makes gameplay Military Operation Raccoon City Resident Evil action presents an intense shoot-out and no longer make a survival horror game. Perhaps more precisely this game type Team Based Shooter Horror, because our main mission in this game hunt down and eliminate all evidence of illegal activity umbrella company, no longer to fight to preserve life or survival of the terror of zombies and monsters organic bio.

If the previous Resident Evil which only supports up to 2 players only, now this game can support up to a total of four players in cooperative mode with 4 characters that can be chosen, namely Vector, Specter, Bertha, and the Beltway. Each character has different abilities and unique, including the Vector can menkamuflase he and Specter have a variety of gadgets such as special glasses to detect enemies hiding behind the wall. While Bertha provided the ability to heal ourselves and the Beltway have heavy weaponry that is suitable to deal with zombies coming bergerombolan and have a larger size. 

Not just an adventure from one place to another. Throughout the game, we'll collect the exp points gained from eliminating the enemy to be able to open 9 abiliti on each character. So is the case on weapons in this game are promising will be upgraded as well. Even more interesting, this game will also bring back some of the areas that you know for who ever played the game Resident Evil 1 and 2. Like the Raccoon City police station, this will make you bernolstalgia back.

As revealed Capcom, a total of three groups fighting each other in this game, which forces the Umbrella Security Service (USS), U.S. special forces (Special Ops), and bio-organic weapons aka monsters created by the Umbrella company. So in this game, we would be dealing with many types of enemies, ranging from humans, zombies, monsters until organic bio. Some of them also from the previous Resident Evil games, such as Hunter, tyrants, and Nemesis. Hmm ... It looks quite exciting and chaotic.

According to the developer, the zombies in this game is going to be able to respond swiftly because of sight, sound, and smell of humans. In addition, they can also be used as a shield device and the other hand we can use to hold weapons and shoot while walking. If you already do not need it, you can kick the zombie shield at the enemy to make another enemy falls. The parts of the body of a zombie like feet, hands and head can also be disabled


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Review of Crysis 2


This fictional story berseting game in 2023 in New York City is attacked by aliens, causing many civilian casualties and the destruction of the city. In this game we will play as Alcatraz, which is a U.S. Marine soldiers who parachuted into New York City to rescue his doctorate Nathan Gould who have important information. But on arrival in the city were destroyed, the troops boarded the submarine which attacked U.S. Marines by alien spacecraft and escaped Alcatraz karna rescued by the Prophet. Then the Prophet who are frustrated with his situation that has been attacked by a virus, leaving the high-tech armor Nano Suit 2 to Alcatraz and then committed suicide. Alcatraz adventure begins.


This game has gameplay that gives us the freedom in the face of a variety of combat situations in the game area which is less extensive with the previous series. But the design area is now more detailed and has many high places so that we can apply more tactics in attacking the enemy. if it was gunfire from the front, side slip to the side and rear, or even from top to more easily wipe out the enemy.

And keep in mind, the enemy AI in this game is quite clever, they also will try to find the best angle to attack kita.Bahkan they will also fire a signal to summon reinforcements. But sometimes they look dazed or stuk. In this game, we will be dealing with some of the characteristics of the enemy, such as the CELL troops who have sophisticated tactics and weaponry, the example helicopter, car combat. Then the alien has a quick and agile movements. And there is also equipped Alien armor so we also need heavy weapons to eliminate it.

However this is not intimidating, with the ability of High-Tech Nano Suit 2, which is used by Alcatraz, making the game a fun style. We can use the couple as Stealth ability which can make us remove ourselves, Armor that can make us invulnerable to bullets, Visor that can track enemy positions and weapons and ammunition are scattered in the game, the Power which can make us run faster and even jump higher. In Crysis Nano Suit 2 with the latest, more simplified control mechanism. As in the Space key to jump will take us to jump higher and so also with the Shift key to run that will automatically be run faster without the need to activate the ability of Power.

Intense gunfight going back encountered in Crysis 2, we can also take refuge to a variety of objects scattered on the game environment. But keep in mind the object can be destroyed if fired constantly. In the shelter, we just need to get closer to the object and pressing the right mouse button to aim and shoot enemies from behind the object.

Weapon customization features also can still be found in this game to improve the accuracy of the shot, the destructive, long range shooting with various types of weapon accessories, such as silencers mensematkan, binoculars, laser sights, until the extra ammunition clip. Besides, now we can also customize the Nano Suit with several new capabilities, such as tracking direction perluru who fired the enemy so that we can avoid it, increases your armor to reduce the pain when landing from a height, muffled sound of footsteps when you run, or speed up the regeneration of health and energy Nano Suit. To be able to unlock that ability, we need to collect points Nano Catalst can be obtained by eliminating the Alien.     

One thing that is interesting again, this game also presents many scenes in the game with the Hollywood style. It is enough to give a sense of horror to the situation of the game environment as alien invasions, such as when touring the streets of New York is destroyed, the scene suddenly appear alien aircraft that pass over the sky, the subway is bouncing and causing a massive explosion, high-rise buildings sky that burned and collapsed to menguncang road. Shocks in the game just feels to us because the game screen also rocked.


By using CryEngine 3, animation and particle explosions look real then it is also natural-looking puddle up lighting effects also appear realistic. The design was presented luxury game area with various kinds of objects that were created to be destroyed and can diinteraksi, such as barrels of chemicals that can explode when shot up to an ATM machine that we can access and spend money. When the game is launched and until this article was written, this game is only equipped with a DirectX 9 alone was visible luxury. While DirectX 11 is still in the stage of quality workmanship that will promise the graphics are certainly more stunning and more realistic anymore. This game also has dipaking with 3D features are of course also requires hardware support to be able to enjoy it. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Total War 2 Shogun


Takes place in the 16th century after the Onin war. Japan is divided into several clans led by warlords and their clan together claim to be Japan's greatest rulers. Well ... our goal in this game is to lead one of the main clan to dominate the whole territory of Japan.


At the beginning of the game we were told to choose one of the nine most powerful clan in Japan. of which there are clan Chosokabe, Shimazu, Date, Hojo, Mori, Oda, Takeda, Tokugawa, and Uesugi. Each clan has its own advantages and disadvantages, such as clan Chosokabe archers who have a strong warrior with a low cost recruited and have proficiency in the field of agriculture, which of course will increase the financial income. As for the Takeda clan has a formidable warrior on horseback with a high moral. Unfortunately, the Shogun 2, the typical model of each clan's warriors are not too visible. That looks quite distinguished only in color and its flag only. When compared with the previous Total War covering the war with several countries, the special characteristics of each country shown on the model soldiers.

Initially we have only one province of dozens of provinces that are spread on a map of Japan. Starting from here we begin to build a foundation of our empire with, agriculture and road infrastructure to boost the economy. Researching new technology to get new buildings or upgrade existing buildings. Then hire soldiers to guard our territory and control of enemy territory.
Speaking of the territories, in addition to putting soldiers to guard the fort, we also need to put soldiers into the corners of our territory to keep our buildings from enemy attack. As an example, the enemy can burn crop storage building adjacent to enemy territory to disrupt the economy and weaken the strength of our troops.

Because this game is turn-based strategy game, so in making a building, researching new technologies, to recruit soldiers, all processed Based on the amount of turn or a turn, which can be executed with the Enter key on the keyboard or clicking buttons on the bottom right corner of the game screen . Any turn or turn also represents the seasonal changes that will be visible changes in the map game. For example during the spring, will map the surface of the cherry tree decorated with flowers and flying during the winter, the surface is covered by snow-white maps.

In management of the province, we can set the tax amount withdrawn, but should not be indiscriminate. Because the taxes are too high, people will be angry and there is chaos in our province. Diplomacy also be alternatives to strengthen the clan in some way, such as salahsatunya give tribute. Then We can also manage our family, like the children in our clan as the sole beneficiary or a relationship of brotherhood with another clan that our children marry a clan alliance is considered appropriate.

When two hostile camps facing each other clans in game map, then the war was inevitable. Before starting the war, we can see the power of the number of enemy soldiers began to type his soldiers. In this game, not necessarily the largest number of soldiers would win the war. Because the right tactics and strategy also became decisive victory in battle. And this is a pleasure for us when winning the battle with soldiers whose numbers lost to the enemy.

In applying the tactics, we can use the environment and the ability of each type of soldier to soldier placing archers on the high plains to get a range of further or conceal soldiers into the jungle to create a surprise attack that could demoralize enemy soldiers so easily eliminated and the remaining soldiers will try to escape. The fight not only take place on land alone, but also includes the battle over the ocean by using warships. In addition to shot arrows and firearms, warships can also be docked into enemy ships and soldiers climbed aboard the ship for battle.

In the second Shogun, war leaders and generals have been given the depth of personality as a hero. Where when winning a battle, they will get experience points to unlock their skills on the skill tree available. Besides, they also provided the reputation or ranking that determined the number of stars and royalty rates are also important to note. What happens if the generals defected our clan .


It was very nice graphics in Shogun 2, but must be paid with a fairly high specification computers. Of detail this game looks at the environment of war to soldiers in large quantities though still looks fine. As an example when thousands of small arrows that pierced through to the front of the camera is still visible detail and soldiers who are in the boat, also were active with their activities.

Then smooth character animation also looks like at the time of their samurai swords and archery look natural. Music in the game also gives more points for this game. The music dialunkan of traditional musical instrument that sounds fit the mood of the game. Like when the war came the strains of rapid rhythms and uplifting spirit to fight and play well.




Homefront Review


Homefront tells the fictional story with a setting in the year 2027, where American country's economy had crashed and there were riots everywhere. This causes the state of Greater Korean Republic launched a major offensive to the American nation. In this game we will play as Robert Jacobs, a pilot who became prisoners of the enemy army. Who later escaped and joined the fighters and American soldiers to fight for their land and homes. The story of this game does look powerful, but unfortunately the ending to the story of this game less bite.

Scene after scene throughout the game really well-organized and managed to create a sense of emotional and spread fear of war on the player, as in an early scene when we get caught and put into the bus down the road, while witnessing the Korean soldiers and civilians caught collecting corpses, bodies. There's even a prisoner who killed his son in front of which then causes the child to cry at full speed. On the other hand, is also seen North Korean soldiers were busy preparing perkarangan blockade at home.


Throughout the game we'll ditemanin by the NPC which is controlled by computer AI which will also lead us towards the next destination. And this makes the game too stiff. Whereas level of play in this game just is not so widely from one point to the next point. NPC AI in this game is always moving forward and will be the best bait for enemy attacks, so that we who are behind can easily shoot the enemy. Fortunately the enemy AI is also pretty smart, though we were behind the NPC AI, some enemy AI remains our target. So it remains cautious.

Choice of weapons in this game is quite limited, we can only get a new weapon of the enemy were killed or who was lying on the corner of the level of play, however one of the main weapons in this game is muktahir Goliath, an APC vehicle equipped drones with machine guns and rockets, which are controlled from remotely to attack specified targets. By pressing the 4 key on the keyboard to bring up the binoculars in order to monitor the position of enemy targets. Then mark the target and execute using the right mouse button. APC drones can also automatically move and shoot enemy soldiers who were surrounding the advanced fighter engine.

We are not just a guerrilla war through perkarangan homes and city streets. At the next level, we will run the mission using helicopters and we can change the viewing perspective, both from the point of view in the cockpit or a third viewpoint. Helicopters armed with two types of weapons we can use, ie, machine guns and rockets. Control of the helicopter in this game feels nimble and easy to control.

Besides helicopters, at the last level we will climb the car and act as a Humvee gunner, while the NPC AI as a driver that will be faced with an enemy APCs drones as Boss's last enemy. The fight had lasted romp over the bridge as he rained perluru to the enemy and avoid the rocket fire. In my opinion, this fight was easy. Only need two or three times to repeat, you can already beat the boss enemy at the end of the game.


While using the Unreal Engine 3, the graphics of this game seem less detail. Whether it's on the environment and character. Character's face look less alive, especially in the face of civilians who were at the approach of looking like a cartoon. Though all graphics settings are at highest position. More value for the game level designs are made complex, filled with various objects. Finally, the graphics in this game is less a luxury and must be polished again.