Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Total War 2 Shogun


Takes place in the 16th century after the Onin war. Japan is divided into several clans led by warlords and their clan together claim to be Japan's greatest rulers. Well ... our goal in this game is to lead one of the main clan to dominate the whole territory of Japan.


At the beginning of the game we were told to choose one of the nine most powerful clan in Japan. of which there are clan Chosokabe, Shimazu, Date, Hojo, Mori, Oda, Takeda, Tokugawa, and Uesugi. Each clan has its own advantages and disadvantages, such as clan Chosokabe archers who have a strong warrior with a low cost recruited and have proficiency in the field of agriculture, which of course will increase the financial income. As for the Takeda clan has a formidable warrior on horseback with a high moral. Unfortunately, the Shogun 2, the typical model of each clan's warriors are not too visible. That looks quite distinguished only in color and its flag only. When compared with the previous Total War covering the war with several countries, the special characteristics of each country shown on the model soldiers.

Initially we have only one province of dozens of provinces that are spread on a map of Japan. Starting from here we begin to build a foundation of our empire with, agriculture and road infrastructure to boost the economy. Researching new technology to get new buildings or upgrade existing buildings. Then hire soldiers to guard our territory and control of enemy territory.
Speaking of the territories, in addition to putting soldiers to guard the fort, we also need to put soldiers into the corners of our territory to keep our buildings from enemy attack. As an example, the enemy can burn crop storage building adjacent to enemy territory to disrupt the economy and weaken the strength of our troops.

Because this game is turn-based strategy game, so in making a building, researching new technologies, to recruit soldiers, all processed Based on the amount of turn or a turn, which can be executed with the Enter key on the keyboard or clicking buttons on the bottom right corner of the game screen . Any turn or turn also represents the seasonal changes that will be visible changes in the map game. For example during the spring, will map the surface of the cherry tree decorated with flowers and flying during the winter, the surface is covered by snow-white maps.

In management of the province, we can set the tax amount withdrawn, but should not be indiscriminate. Because the taxes are too high, people will be angry and there is chaos in our province. Diplomacy also be alternatives to strengthen the clan in some way, such as salahsatunya give tribute. Then We can also manage our family, like the children in our clan as the sole beneficiary or a relationship of brotherhood with another clan that our children marry a clan alliance is considered appropriate.

When two hostile camps facing each other clans in game map, then the war was inevitable. Before starting the war, we can see the power of the number of enemy soldiers began to type his soldiers. In this game, not necessarily the largest number of soldiers would win the war. Because the right tactics and strategy also became decisive victory in battle. And this is a pleasure for us when winning the battle with soldiers whose numbers lost to the enemy.

In applying the tactics, we can use the environment and the ability of each type of soldier to soldier placing archers on the high plains to get a range of further or conceal soldiers into the jungle to create a surprise attack that could demoralize enemy soldiers so easily eliminated and the remaining soldiers will try to escape. The fight not only take place on land alone, but also includes the battle over the ocean by using warships. In addition to shot arrows and firearms, warships can also be docked into enemy ships and soldiers climbed aboard the ship for battle.

In the second Shogun, war leaders and generals have been given the depth of personality as a hero. Where when winning a battle, they will get experience points to unlock their skills on the skill tree available. Besides, they also provided the reputation or ranking that determined the number of stars and royalty rates are also important to note. What happens if the generals defected our clan .


It was very nice graphics in Shogun 2, but must be paid with a fairly high specification computers. Of detail this game looks at the environment of war to soldiers in large quantities though still looks fine. As an example when thousands of small arrows that pierced through to the front of the camera is still visible detail and soldiers who are in the boat, also were active with their activities.

Then smooth character animation also looks like at the time of their samurai swords and archery look natural. Music in the game also gives more points for this game. The music dialunkan of traditional musical instrument that sounds fit the mood of the game. Like when the war came the strains of rapid rhythms and uplifting spirit to fight and play well.